Hero Image - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Increase exposure of your catalogues

Looking to increase sales on your curated datasets? List with Valyu and connect with a wide range AI companies looking for high-quality training dataset. Flexible terms and 100% free of charge.

We also provide on-request verification services to establish the quality and provenance of your dataset. Getting your dataset verified with Valyu can increase its sales by upto 3x
Check - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
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the valyu platform

Discover, curate, license, and monetise datasets easily

Additional Revenue

By listing your datasets on Valyu, you can tap into our growing ecosystem of startups and enterprise looking for high-quality training data. It's 100% free and you can withdraw anytime.

Wider Distribution

Gain access to a wide audience of businesses, researchers, and developers from around the world who are actively seeking high quality training datasets.

Value Add Services

Document, repackage, and benchmark the quality of your datasets with our tooling or get your datasets verified.

In the News

72% of AI startups ranked data access as their #1 challenge. Follow the latest development in the rising demand for quality training data and the future of data licensing.

Get answers to common questions

Frequently asked questions about Valyu. If you have any additional questions or feedback, please let us know.  

What is The Valyu Platform?

Valyu is a smart contract based platform that connects data providers with AI companies seeking diverse, top-tier training data. We streamline the process of licensing, packaging, and distributing high-quality datasets, acting as a bridge between data providers and buyers. Our platform offers robust privacy controls and SDK tools to simplify dataset licensing, provenance, and distribution.

What types of dataset can I list on Valyu Data Exchange?

Valyu accepts a wide range of datasets of various types including text, video, audio, and images across various domains including but not limited to healthcare, finance, retail, and technology. Whether it's structured, unstructured, or semi-structured data, we welcome diverse datasets that offer valuable insights.

Can I set my own pricing for my datasets?

Yes! Pricing for datasets listed on Valyu is determined based on various factors including the uniqueness, quality, and demand for the data. Our experts can provide guidance on pricing strategies to help you maximize the value of your datasets while remaining competitive in the market.

What support does Valyu offer?

Our dedicated support team is available to assist at every step of the process, from onboarding to optimisation. Whether you have questions about uploading datasets, managing licenses, setting up pricing and maximising your earnings, we're here to help! Contact us if you need further clarification.